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State of the Art Tutorials.
Duration - Three Months


Diabetes and Sexual Dysfunction
  • Epidemiology

  • Types of sexual dysfunctions

  • Pathology of diabetes

  • Endothelial dysfunction

  • Diabetes and hypogonodism

  • CVD-endodysfunction-ED

  • Assessment of diabetic sexual dysfunction

  • Treatment modalities

  • Novel treatments.

Sexuality and Fertility
  • Prevalence – Sexual Problems.

  • Reasons for having, a child

  • Sexual problems in infertility

  • Unconsummated marriage

  • Effects of Sexual problems/infertility

  • Treatment of sexual dysfunction in infertility

  • Integrating counselling into infertility therapy

  • Guidelines for managing

Sex and Aging
  • Geriatric demographics

  • Why geriatric sexology?

  • Clinical considerations

  • Geriatric sexual response

  • Biological changes in the elderly

  • Andropause

  • Geriatric sexual response

  • Geriatric sexual beahavior

  • Geriatric sexual problems

  • Management

Sex and Pregnancy
  • Introduction

  • Pregnant doubts

  • Sex during pregnancy

  • Psychological changes

  • Will sex harm the bay?

  • Is it normal if there is no sex during pregnancy ?

  • Oral sex and pregnancy

  • Sexual dysfunction during pregnancy

  • Sexual activity in pregnancy

  • Tips for sex after childbirth

Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD)

Orgasm Definitions

Physiology of Orgasm
Importance of Orgasm
FOD Definitions
Prevalence & Typology
Risk Factors

Management Strategies

Premature Ejaculation

  • Ejaculation & Orgasm

  •  Premature Ejaculation – Definitions Dilemma

  • Prevalence & Typology

  •  Risk factors

  •  Evaluation

  •  Management

    • Topical Anesthetics

    •  Oral Pharmacotherapy

    • Prospective treatments

    • Sex Therapy

  •  Consequences

Erectile Dysfunction
  • Mechanism of erection

  •  Mechanism of erection

  •  Erectile Dysfunction - Definition

  •  Risk Factors

  • ✓ Physical

  • ✓ Psychological

  •  Evaluation

  • * Evaluation procedure

  • * Sexual History

  • * Laboratory Investigations

  • ❖ Management Strategies

  •  Oral Pharmacotherapy

  •  Vacuum Erectile Device

  •  Intracavernous Injection

  •  Penile Prosthesis

  •  Shockwave Therapy

  •  Consequences

  •  Significance of Erectile Dysfunction

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